Putting Ourselves in the Picture
Artist in Residence
Fabrica Gallery, Brighton
Commissioned to undertake one of three artist residencies at Fabrica Gallery, a co-commission with Project Art Works as part of their Explorers Project.
Each of us (Sara Dare, Jo Offer and I) began our residency with a different proposition - for my residency, the emphasis was on what happens when people make things together, how different people respond to objects, what objects can evoke and the ‘conversations' that happen between materials and people. Over the two weeks each morning I worked with diverse groups exploring objects through assemblage, photography, drawing, chalk and a giant blackboard painted wall. The afternoons open up to the public with opportunities to respond to the traces left by the morning workshops.
Fabrica describes the project as "the heart of this dynamic and highly experimental exhibition is the question ‘who gets to create art and whose work is selected and therefore validated for public view?’ We’re seeking to understand more about how access to creation spaces might shape the supply of art and artists in our society and to demystify the who, how and why of selecting work for public consumption."